var version = '1.1', update_url = '', download_url = ''; // Function: load() // Called by HTML body element's onload event when the widget is ready to start function load() { if (window.widget) { KeyChainAccess.setAppName('Analytics'); var email = widget.preferenceForKey(keyWithIdentifier('email')), gaid = JSON.parse(widget.preferenceForKey(keyWithIdentifier('gaid'))), gaid_list = JSON.parse(widget.preferenceForKey(keyWithIdentifier('gaid-list'))), site_name = widget.preferenceForKey(keyWithIdentifier('site-name')), password = KeyChainAccess.loadPassword(email), today = widget.preferenceForKey(keyWithIdentifier('visits-today')), yesterday = widget.preferenceForKey(keyWithIdentifier('visits-yesterday')), this_week = widget.preferenceForKey(keyWithIdentifier('visits-this-week')), this_month = widget.preferenceForKey(keyWithIdentifier('visits-this-month')), this_year = widget.preferenceForKey(keyWithIdentifier('visits-this-year')); if (email && email.length > 0) { $('#email').val(email); } if (email && email.length > 0) { $('#password').val(password); } if (today.length > 0) { $('#site-name').text(, $('#visits-today').text(today), $('#visits-yesterday').text(yesterday), $('#visits-this-week').text(this_week), $('#visits-this-month').text(this_month), $('#visits-this-year').text(this_year); } $.each(gaid_list, function(name, value) { if ( === value) { $('#google-account-profiles').append(''); } else { $('#google-account-profiles').append(''); } }); checkWidgetVersion(); checkIfWeShouldEnableOrDisableDoneButton(); } } function remove() { // Stop any timers to prevent CPU usage and remove any preferences as needed. if (window.widget) { widget.setPreferenceForKey(null, keyWithIdentifier('email')); widget.setPreferenceForKey(null, keyWithIdentifier('gaid')); widget.setPreferenceForKey(null, keyWithIdentifier('gaid-list')); widget.setPreferenceForKey(null, keyWithIdentifier('site-name')); widget.setPreferenceForKey(null, keyWithIdentifier('visits-today')); widget.setPreferenceForKey(null, keyWithIdentifier('visits-yesterday')); widget.setPreferenceForKey(null, keyWithIdentifier('visits-this-week')); widget.setPreferenceForKey(null, keyWithIdentifier('visits-this-month')); widget.setPreferenceForKey(null, keyWithIdentifier('visits-this-year')); widget.setPreferenceForKey(null, keyWithIdentifier('successful-login')); } } function hide() { // Stop any timers to prevent CPU usage. saveWidgetSettings(); } function show() { // Restart any timers that were stopped on hide. checkWidgetVersion(); } function sync(){ // Sync stuff here.. } // Function: showBack(event) // Called when the info button is clicked to show the back of the widget // // event: onClick event from the info button function showBack(event) { var front = document.getElementById('front'); var back = document.getElementById('back'); if (window.widget) { widget.prepareForTransition('ToBack'); } = 'none'; = 'block'; if (window.widget) { setTimeout('widget.performTransition();', 0); } } // Function: showFront(event) // Called when the done button is clicked from the back of the widget // // event: onClick event from the done button function showFront(event) { var front = document.getElementById('front'); var back = document.getElementById('back'); if (window.widget) { widget.prepareForTransition('ToFront'); }'block';'none'; if (window.widget) { setTimeout('widget.performTransition();', 0); } } if (window.widget) { widget.onremove = remove; widget.onhide = hide; widget.onshow = show; widget.onsync = sync; } // Get profles function getAccountProfiles() { // Disable some ui. $('#google-account-login').attr('disabled', true).addClass('disabled'); // Clear previous data $('#visits-today, #visits-yesterday, #visits-this-week, #visits-this-month, #visits-this-year').text(''); // If we run this a second time we should clear the previous set of options. $('#google-account-profiles option').remove(); var filename = 'responses/accounts-' + widget.identifier + '.json', email = encodeURIComponent( $('#email').val() ), password = encodeURIComponent( $('#password').val() ), accountsfeed = new String(), cmd = 'curl "" -s --header "Authorization: GoogleLogin $(curl -s -d Email=' + email + ' -d Passwd=' + password + ' -d accountType=GOOGLE -d source=curl-accountFeed-v1 -d service=analytics | awk /Auth=.*/)" > ' + filename, command = widget.system(cmd, endHandler); $('#notice').text('Fetching accounts…').fadeIn('fast'); function endHandler(command) { $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: filename, dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { for (var i = 0; i < data.feed.entry.length; i++) { $('#google-account-profiles').append(''); $('#google-account-profiles, #google-account-done, #google-account-login').attr('disabled', false).removeClass('disabled'); $('#notice').fadeOut('fast'); } widget.setPreferenceForKey('1', keyWithIdentifier('successful-login')); }, error: function() { widget.setPreferenceForKey('0', keyWithIdentifier('successful-login')); $('#google-account-login').attr('disabled', false).removeClass('disabled'); $('#notice').text('Fetching failed.').delay(2000).fadeOut('fast'); }, complete: function() { checkIfWeShouldEnableOrDisableDoneButton(); } }); } } // Get total visits for each timeframe. function getData() { var successful_login = widget.preferenceForKey(keyWithIdentifier('successful-login')); if (successful_login == '1') { $('#refresh').addClass('disabled'); // Clear previous data $('#site-name, #visits-today, #visits-yesterday, #visits-this-week, #visits-this-month, #visits-this-year').text(''); // I'm getting total visits for each timeframe. This seems hugely inefficient. Got to refactor this at some point. getTotalVisitsForTimePeriod( 'visits-today','yyyy-MM-dd'),'yyyy-MM-dd') ); getTotalVisitsForTimePeriod( 'visits-yesterday','yyyy-MM-dd'),'yyyy-MM-dd') ); getTotalVisitsForTimePeriod( 'visits-this-week','yyyy-MM-dd'),'yyyy-MM-dd') ); getTotalVisitsForTimePeriod( 'visits-this-month','yyyy-MM-dd'),'yyyy-MM-dd') ); getTotalVisitsForTimePeriod( 'visits-this-year',{ month: 0, day: 1 }).toString('yyyy-MM-dd'),'yyyy-MM-dd') ); $('#visits-today, #visits-yesterday, #visits-this-week, #visits-this-month, #visits-this-year').each(function() { var id = $(this).attr('id'); $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: 'responses/analyze-' + id + '-' + widget.identifier + '.json', dataType: 'json', success: function(data) { // Send metrics to front. $('#' + id).html(addCommas(data.feed.dxp$aggregates.dxp$metric[0].value)); // Enable refresh button on front. $('#refresh').removeClass('disabled'); } }); }); $('#site-name').text( $('#google-account-profiles :selected').text() ); showFront(); } } // Get total visits during specified time frame. function getTotalVisitsForTimePeriod(timeframe, start, end) { if (window.widget) { var filename = 'responses/analyze-' + timeframe + '-' + widget.identifier + '.json', email = encodeURIComponent( $('#email').val() ), gaid = $('#google-account-profiles :selected').val(), password = encodeURIComponent( $('#password').val() ), cmd = 'curl "' + start + '&end-date=' + end + '&dimensions=ga:date&metrics=ga:uniquePageviews&ids=ga:' + gaid + '&prettyprint=false&alt=json&max-results=0" -s --header "Authorization: GoogleLogin $(curl -s -d Email=' + email + ' -d Passwd=' + password + ' -d accountType=GOOGLE -d source=curl-accountFeed-v1 -d service=analytics | awk /Auth=.*/)" --header "GData-Version: 2" > ' + filename; widget.system(cmd, null); } } function getTotalUniqueVisitsForTimePeriod(timeframe, start, end) { if (window.widget) { var filename = 'responses/analyze-' + timeframe + '-' + widget.identifier + '.json', email = encodeURIComponent( $('#email').val() ), gaid = $('#google-account-profiles :selected').val(), password = encodeURIComponent( $('#password').val() ), cmd = 'curl "' + start + '&end-date=' + end + '&dimensions=ga:date&metrics=ga:visits&ids=ga:' + gaid + '&prettyprint=false&alt=json&max-results=0" -s --header "Authorization: GoogleLogin $(curl -s -d Email=' + email + ' -d Passwd=' + password + ' -d accountType=GOOGLE -d source=curl-accountFeed-v1 -d service=analytics | awk /Auth=.*/)" --header "GData-Version: 2" > ' + filename; widget.system(cmd, null); } } // Save [email, password, and google profile id, visits]. function saveWidgetSettings() { var email = $('#email').val(), gaid = new Object(), gaid_list = new Object(), password = $('#password').val(), today = $('#visits-today').text(), yesterday = $('#visits-yesterday').text(), this_week = $('#visits-this-week').text(), this_month = $('#visits-this-month').text(), this_year = $('#visits-this-year').text(); gaid['id'] = $('#google-account-profiles :selected').val(); gaid['name'] = $('#google-account-profiles :selected').text(); $('#google-account-profiles option').each(function() { var $this = $(this), name = $this.text(), val = $this.val() gaid_list[name] = val; }); gaid = JSON.stringify(gaid); gaid_list = JSON.stringify(gaid_list); if (window.widget) { // Save email and gaid widget.setPreferenceForKey(email, keyWithIdentifier('email')); widget.setPreferenceForKey(gaid, keyWithIdentifier('gaid')); widget.setPreferenceForKey(gaid_list, keyWithIdentifier('gaid-list')); // Save the metrics to prefs. widget.setPreferenceForKey(today, keyWithIdentifier('visits-today')); widget.setPreferenceForKey(yesterday, keyWithIdentifier('visits-yesterday')); widget.setPreferenceForKey(this_week, keyWithIdentifier('visits-this-week')); widget.setPreferenceForKey(this_month, keyWithIdentifier('visits-this-month')); widget.setPreferenceForKey(this_year, keyWithIdentifier('visits-this-year')); if (password.length > 0) KeyChainAccess.savePassword(email, password); } } // Helper function to format numbers with commas. function addCommas(number) { number += ''; x = number.split('.'); x1 = x[0]; x2 = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[1] : ''; var regex = /(\d+)(\d{3})/; while (regex.test(x1)) { x1 = x1.replace(regex, '$1' + ',' + '$2'); } return x1 + x2; } // Helper function to save settings with a unique identifier key (so we can have multiple instaces of this widget). function keyWithIdentifier(key) { return widget.identifier + '-' + key; } function checkIfWeShouldEnableOrDisableDoneButton() { if ( widget.preferenceForKey(keyWithIdentifier('successful-login')) == '1' ) { $('#google-account-done').attr('disabled', false).removeClass('disabled'); $('#refresh').removeClass('disabled'); } else { $('#google-account-done').attr('disabled', true).addClass('disabled'); $('#refresh').addClass('disabled'); } } function checkWidgetVersion() { $.get(update_url, function(latest) { if ( version < latest ) $('#new-version').show(); }); } function openSite (url) { if (window.widget) { widget.openURL(url); return false; } return true; }