HTML email signature generator for Mac

email signature for Mac Mail

Most of the Mac users want to add an email signature (HTML) to their messages. Unfortunately is this not easy to fix under macOS and OS X. We have created a tool that generates a HTML/CSS signature based on your own information, which you can add to the Mail application.

Fill in the form below to generate the HTML/CSS code based on the filled in information, the live preview shows the result. If you want to add a image to the signature make sure it's reachable through a public link (e.g. you can use your Twitter avatar or WP Gravatar url). Just put in the information you want to add!

HTML email signature generator

Live preview:

Pas gegevens aan:



Plaats of telefoonnummer:

Website (met http(s)://)

Website omschrijving:

E-mail (wordt via een mailto link gekoppeld aan naam)

Eventuele afbeelding voorafgaand met https://

Overige instellingen

Live preview:

Gegenereerde HTML code:

Generated CSS/HTML code....

Add the signature in macOS/OS X Mail

When the HTML/CSS has been generated you need to add this manually to the Mail app. The steps for this procedure are different for each OS X version and differs on how you are using iCloud. The english instructions for setting ip the signature can be found here.

For this online generator we used the CSS/HTML template from Matt Coneybeare which he created a couple of years ago. With the generator it's easier to modify to code with your own information without any developer knowledge.

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